Panic Attack!

 I was in panic last night! I was looking at the quotes for the lightning and sounds and I just can’t believe they are charging this much! I’m not lightning the whole Araneta Coliseum for god’s sake! And I am not running a concert either!!

Then I remembered reading something about stage lightning from Lala’s quote so I hurriedly looked for it again. And whala! It is included in her package already! Syempre I texted her to confirm that it is and she said it really is. But I think sa stage lang and not the whole place. I’ll confirm with her again tomorrow when we meet at Manila Polo for the ocular. If the lights included in the package is just for the stage, I’ll just ask her to add it in our package. Hopefully it will not pull up the prices though.

Did I tell you I love Lala! Hehehe

Created: Friday, May 06, 2005


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