Under construction
This site definitely needs a make-over! I have been working on the "new look" for quite some time now and figured I really have to get this going or i'll lose interest on finishing it altogether! So finally this is the finish product! A one layer blog!
I wanted something very simple and very straight forward, one that would just showcase my writing and not a gazillion other links on the side. Now, you can click on the tabs above for the links to whereever you want to go! I'll write up a sitemap later on to show guests where everything is, but for the meantime, this is my finish product. This still needs a lot of work though, this is just the tip of the iceberg! Hopefully i'd be able to finish off everything before I get tired of doing things...CSS and HTML makes my eyes roll!
P.s. if you have any violent reaction with how ths layout is coming along, please do leave a message or e-mail me ok...
Created: Friday, February 17, 2006