Gel Motilla Digital Photography
Today we officially launch my husband's very own photography biz! It's been his life long passion...we purchased yesterday his newest Canon digital camera to replace his old professional film cam! We are both very excited!!
So for February and March brides, he is offering his services free. His package includes:
1. Two Prenup shoots in or outside manila
2. Unlimited shots of:
a. Bride and groom's preparation
b. Church wedding ceremony
c. Photo shoot after church ceremony
d. Reception coverage
e. Dancing/after reception coverage
f. Inclusive of:
CD proof in high resolution
VCD format in photo slide show
We have not finalized the ordinary photo package but it would be very reasonable, in the range of 15k-20k for all services mentioned above plus album.
I already e-mailed this package to my co-W@Wies and there are already a few who volunteered! We even have a shoot at Vigan in February!! Soo excited! Of course I would tag along hehehe. As of now I am the official secretary of my husband LOL! But that's ok, everything to support my husband!
The new year is coming up fast...we'll sure be very busy next year!!
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Created: Thursday, December 29, 2005
12-hour diaper protection?
I've just remembered just now the Pampers commercial I saw on TV, it was for Pampers All Nights, P&G just recently launched this new line, I think to replace their Baby Dry line. It already uses the new blue cover which is used I think in the US already. It promises 12 hours protection (practically overnight protection) for your baby. Now I don't want to sound critical but even if it does deliver to its promise of 12 hours protection, as a mom, would you really subject your baby to such torture?? I don't think its hygienically safe, not to mention the health hazards it poses. Imagine all the bacteria growing on the diaper, and letting that touch your baby's skin, that is just plain is unthinkable to me, even downright dangerous! I'm not yet a mom but I must say thinking about this makes me shiver with alarm!
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Created: Tuesday, December 27, 2005
remembering the asian tsunami
Today we commemorate the Asian Tsunami that struck south Asia and India exactly one year from today. Atleast 200,000 people mostly from Aceh, Indonesia died on that faithful day. A total of seven Filipinos also died, almost all from Thailand coast.
My prayers goes to all those people.
Excerpt from on the story:
PHUKET, Thailand (AP) -- They came to frolic in the sun and surf, survived a hellish ordeal and now have returned to remember and feel as close as possible to those they lost to the Indian Ocean tsunami a year ago.
"I never thought I would come back. Every day I would cry," said Sharon Kelly, 49, whose husband pushed her on to a wall to escape a mammoth wave that rushed ashore at Patong Beach, in the Thai resort of Phuket a year ago Monday.Click here for the
full story
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Created: Monday, December 26, 2005
today is christmas!!
Today is Christmas day! Who ever said "this is the most wonderful time of the year" is god! Trully this is the most wonderful time of the year. Everyone wears a smile if not laughter on this day. Children roam the streets with gifts on each arm, a pocketfull of candies (and most probably aginaldo) and a smile permanently stamped on their faces. I love the feeling of this day!
As for me, my day started with the traditional midnight mass with family. I have two families now, my "old" family - my mom and dad and sis, and my "new" family - my husband. Its heartwarming to be in the middle of these two, both I love with my all heart, and whom I know love me too with all their hearts. After mass, we raided the christmas tree and started opening gifts. My gifts are a bizzare mix this year, ranging from three sets of lotion, two bath shower gel, two blouses, a watch and a refrigerator magnet clip! Now this one last totally blow me off! I think people do think differently of you once you enter the "Married Life" stage hehehe.
This Christmas is definitely one to remember...not only because of the gifts, but because it's shared with the people I love! Now I can't wait for the next Christmas!!
Gotta go now! Gudnyt ya' all!
P.S. Six days to go and we'll celebrate another holiday - New Year!
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Created: Sunday, December 25, 2005
dessert anyone?
I found this perfect recipe for dessert: Glazed Gingerbread Cake from
Diana's Desserts.Com. The picture looks soo yummy! Recipe shared below:
1 cup plain chocolate biscuits (chocolate wafer cookies), crushed
1/3 cup unsalted butter, melted
500 grams (two 8 oz. packages) cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup thickened cream, or heavy cream
200g (approximately 8 ounces) Toblerone chocolate (milk or dark chocolate), melted
Extra Toblerone chocolate (milk or dark chocolate), grated
Confectioners' sugar
1. Melt the 1/3 cup of butter.
2. Crush chocolate biscuits into crumbs.
3. Mix together the chocolate biscuit crumbs and melted butter. Press mixture into bottom of lightly greased 23cm (9-inch) springform pan. Place in refrigerator to chill.
4. Beat the cream cheese with an electric mixer for 2 minutes or until smooth.
5. Place the chocolate in a small saucepan or in the top of a double boiler on low heat (water in bottom of double boiler should be at a slow simmer) and melt the 200g (approximately 8 ounces) of toblerone, stirring constantly.
6. Add the sugar, melted toblerone, and heavy cream to cream cheese and continue beating until thoroughly combined and very smooth.
7. Remove cheesecake base from refrigerator and spoon mixture into base. Smooth top of cake with a metal spatula. Refrigerate (in pan) for at least 4 hours or overnight.
8. Before seving, remove cheesecake from refrigerator and release sides of springform pan. Place cheesecake on serving platter and garnish with the extra grated Toblerone chocolate and dust top with confectioners' sugar (optional).
The longer you leave the cheesecake in the refrigerator, the firmer it will be; 12 hours or overnight is best.
Makes 8-10 servings.Today is also the birthday of my dear sister Chet! She turns 24 today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS!!
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Created: Saturday, December 24, 2005
site remodelling, a new pet penguin and santa game
I've made a few updates on the right side bar...added some deleted some. I added back the tag-board, hopefully it'll behave this time and not make problems. I changed the flickr badge to a vertical badge, and then added a bucket stamp. I also added a google ads, who knows maybe I can make money out of it. And I rearranged everything so it looks more organized. Hmm come to think of it...I didn't deleted anything....hahaha...LOL!
And I also joined
Rice Bowl Journals and
Pinoy Top Blogs...these are Asian blog communities. I realized it's no fun reading only your own blog, its always nice to see how other people see life on another perspective.
If you have time please do scan my new side bar!
My darling husband is sleeping now...gotta join him...had a long day at work and i definitely need some zZZzz's! Gudnyt!!

Ooops I almost forgot...please click on my pet penguin on the lower side bar portion, you can feed him by hitting more on the site :)
One last before I go, I found this cutest game! Come know you wanna play :) Object is to catch the falling gifts, but avoiding getting hit by the anvils. Use the left and right arrow keys to control Santa :) Enjoy!!
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Created: Friday, December 23, 2005
digiscrap and food...sounds fun!!
Today is my last day in the office, tomorrow i'd be at the plant for a halfday inventory count and i'm off to Christmas! Its been a fun week, shopping for gifts, giving and receiving gifts, and of course work on the side. I did one layout last Sunday I'd like to share with you guys.

I've always loved Christmas...I love all the Christmas lights around, the Christmas trees and decors you see on buildings and streets, its very heart-warming. After a day of hard work in the office, it’s nice to drive along lighted and decorated streets. The dancing Christmas lights makes me relax and think about home cooked meals served at noche buena, smoking hot puto bungbong and bibingka after misa de gallo...hhhmmmm...makes me feel so at home! I also especially love giving Christmas gifts as much as receiving them! I love to see a Christmas tree surrounded by lots of gifts! And I love opening all of the them on Christmas morning!
Hmm speaking of noche buena…I’ve been looking for recipes for our Christmas dinner. I though I’d make soup (most probably pumpkin soup), pasta, seafood and dessert. I found this great recipe from for the pasta – Alfredo Blue. Thought I’d make this since I like blue cheese so much! Here’s the recipe:
1/2 (16 ounce) package fettuccini pasta
1-1/2 teaspoons olive oil
1/2 clove garlic, sliced
2 ounces blue cheese, crumbled
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1 cup heavy cream
1-1/2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
salt and pepper to taste
1. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook pasta in boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes, or until al dente; drain.
2. Heat olive oil in a small skillet over medium heat. Saute garlic in olive oil until golden. Remove garlic, and reserve oil.
3. In a medium saucepan over medium-low heat, combine blue cheese, Parmesan cheese, and cream. Stir until cheeses are melted. Stir in the oil from the garlic pan. Season with Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper.
4. Toss sauce with hot pasta, and let stand 5 minutes before serving.
Looks pretty easy to me. I’m sure I can handle this recipe. I am also doing one seafood…thought I’d do this recipe I found also at
Calamari in Red Wine and Tomato Sauce
2 pounds calamari, cleaned
4 cups tomato sauce
1 cup Chianti wine
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 teaspoons chopped garlic
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/3 cup grated Romano cheese
1. Separate the tentacles from the long body of the calamari, if not done already. Slice the body, or calamari tubes into rings about 1/2 to 2/3 inch thick, set aside.
2. In a saucepan, combine tomato sauce, red wine, lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, black pepper, cayenne pepper, basil, and cheese. Simmer on medium low for about 30 minutes to give the alcohol in the wine time to evaporate, and all the flavors time to blend.
3. Add the calamari to the sauce. Continue to slowly simmer for about another 20 - 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Calamari is done when it is plump and more opaque. Do not cook on higher heat or for a longer period, as calamari is famous for becoming
Looks pretty simple too! Now my only problem is dessert…now this one needs to be special! I need more time on this...I'll try searching and update you again tomorrow ok! For now I have to go!
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Created: Thursday, December 22, 2005
officially broke!
I am 95% finished with my christmas shopping, only gifts left are those for my parents, but my sister is already buying that. And after a total of 3 days of christmas shopping...I am without a doubt officially broke! Gosh! I can't even start to think where my money went, gift for my officemates, my friends, my other friends, and I haven't even bought one thing myself!! Sheeshhh! My only alibi is that its in the spirit of Christmas. Plus of course the fact that the people close to my heart would be happy with the gifts I got them. That's a thought that warms my heart, and burned pocket!
**************************We are watching SpellBound! My sister is buying the tickets this afternoon...i'm so excited! It's been ages since I last saw a magic show! This one looks really promising as the cast came straight from Las Vegas...I hope we enjoy it! I'm watching with my whole family, my mom and dad, sis and of course my husband! Really excited!!
This is me greeting you all again...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
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Created: Tuesday, December 20, 2005
what a day
This has been one looong day for me! It started around 3:30am, hubby and I woke up to attend the Misa de Gallo (did I spell that right??). (Just so everyone is in the same page, misa de gallo is the mass held at dawn which runs nine days before Christmas, it's a Filipino tradition.) Mass started at exactly 4am, yup we were late courtesy of yours truly...hehehe...tell me who can move quickly at 3:30am?? After the mass we drove around our place for about 45 mins looking for puto bungbong, my F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E! My christmas would not be complete without it! There is actually a vendor selling puto bumbong right outside the church but I wanted to buy those that has just been cooked...straight out of the we drove past it and looked for another one. Well we didn't find another one until 30mins of driving around. So much effort for puto bumbong you ask? NO! i've's my favorite! LOL! Poor hubby driving around so sleepy! But we finally found it and bought bibingka too. We got back to the house around 6am and feasted with the super yummy, super hot puto bumbong and bibingka! Aaahh I can still remember how it tasted the moment I took my first bite for the year! Priceless!
Of course after that hubby and I went back to sleep! Gel woke me at around 8am telling me we will go to Batangas for the Christening of one of our ninang's grandson. I was excited coz I know how these kinds of events are in the provinces, usually they are all out and flowing with food! Mmmm yummy!! With that on my thoughts I hurriedly took a shower and went to their house to pick up his dad who will be coming with us. Before lunch time we were already at Batangas and weaving our way through the loads and loads of food! You name it they got it...menudo...dinuguan...leche flan...fruit salad...and most especially...LECHON! Gosh I can't remember how I was able to gobble down all those food!
Ok by 4pm we were already on our way to SM Southmall to finally start on my christmas shopping. But since traffic was not moving at all along Zapote Road, we decided to turn back and just do the shopping the Festival Mall. Was not expecting i'd find anything as this Mall doesn't really have so much...but was really happy coz I was able to buy about 90% of my list! Yahoo!! That's a feat actually coz I'm super fickle minded about gifts that it usually takes me centuries to finish just one! But this time...I was finish at 6pm! Just two hours! Can't belive it myself until I saw the time! It must be all those people...there must be 10,000 people there...if it can fit 10,000 people! Geeshh! And boy did I got some great finds! Body Shop dropped their prices rock bottom! Was able to buy Dewberry Lotion, Fuzzy Peach and Dewberry Bath & shower gel and a shower gel for men. Greath ey! Plus I found this great combo pack at Zen Zest, a pair of oatmeal soap and hand sanitazer for under 100! Perfect for giveaways! I bought everything, well they had just nine left, will be back tomorrow for more definitely!
Ahh the joy of eating and the pleasure of shopping in one fabulous day! Who can ask for more!
I have not digiscrap to share with you today as i've been out the whole day
Gotta go now! Goodnyt ya all!
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Created: Saturday, December 17, 2005
friday afternoon and more digiscraps
It’s a very lazy day for me... forced to take a leave as I need to finish up all my VL credit, I still have 10 days…and I have only 15 days till end of December! If only I can take the remaining days off…but can’t! So much to do…so little time…as always.
I’ve wanted to go out and finish my Christmas shopping today, but lazy me, I didn’t. I still have tomorrow and Sunday…hope I’d be able to do it tomorrow. So without nothing else to do, I went digiscrapping. Or is it that I subconsciously plan everything, taking the leave, feeling lazy to go out, just to digiscrap? Heck I don’t know hehehe…one thing for sure I am happy girl today.
Look at layouts I did today.
This first one is a very selfish layout. Of course it’s one of my wedding pics again, this one taken by Emil Buencamino. I was looking for another pic of darling husband to put on the right side but I couldn’t find the right picture. You see he should be looking at the left side so that it would look like we are looking at each other, but there’s really none – in our 2,000++ pics – could I find a picture of him looking to the left. So to solve the problem…drop him! Hehehe

Second layout are two pictures of my photogs and videographers. The photo on the top part is Kix Tavora, although you couldn’t really see his face as he is turned backwards. Lower picture are Kix Tavora again, Emil Buencamino and CJ or Threelogy. Again you couldn’t see their faces coz their cams are on the way. So this layout doesn’t show anything at all! LOL!

Next layout is a green layout. I really love how the colors came out on this one. And the caption on top is just what I am thinking right now. I’m guilty of being workaholic, I always need to have something to do, that sometimes I tend to pass by the little things that really matters. So this is really a wake up call for me, a reminder to stop, and appreciate life.

Last layout is for the cute son of my friend Abi. I love his smile on this picture, I figured I’d make a layout of it. I used this hearty font I downloaded a couple of days before, perfect for this layout!

Here are two more pics I just played with… not sure if this is can be called a layout as I didn’t use any papers or elements, just added something to it, just want to share it too.

Ok that’s it. Before I go let me just post my credits for the layouts above
Pink and Brown Credits:
The One collection from Angela Barton (Angedawn designs) for all paper and flower cut-outs used.
Font: Scriptina and University Roman
Click…click…click credits:
Shabby Princess Moody Blues Kit
Font: Typewriter
Take time credits:
Chocolate covered mint Kit by Angie Briggs
Sentiment by Daniela Peuss "Simplicity" Kit
Baby's Smile Credits:
Sarah Batdorf Arboretum Guide Kit for the circles paper strips
Sinead Turner Flowergirl Kit for the blue paper
"Simplicity" Kit"By and © Daniela Peuss for the square boarder
Ok good ya all and happy weekend!
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Created: Friday, December 16, 2005
a story of love
A beautiful story I want to share with you. Christmas is just 10 days away! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Freda Bright says, "Only in opera do people die of love." It's true.
You really can't love somebody to death. I've known people to die from
no love, but I've never known anyone to be loved to death. We just
can't love one another enough.
A heart-warming story tells of a woman who finally decided to ask her
boss for a raise in salary. All day she felt nervous and apprehensive.
Late in the afternoon she summoned the courage to approach her
employer. To her delight, the boss agreed to a raise.
The woman arrived home that evening to a beautiful table set with
their best dishes. Candles were softly glowing. Her husband had come
home early and prepared a festive meal. She wondered if someone from
the office had tipped him off. Or . did he just somehow know that she
would not get turned down?
She found him in the kitchen and told him the good news. They embraced
and kissed, then sat down to the wonderful meal. Next to her plate the
woman found a beautifully lettered note. It read: "Congratulations,
darling! I knew you'd get the raise! These things will tell you how
much I love you."
Following the supper, her husband went into the kitchen to clean up.
She noticed that a second card had fallen from his pocket. Picking it
off the floor, she read: "Don't worry about not getting the raise! You
deserve it anyway! These things will tell you how much I love you."
Someone has said that the measure of love is when you love without
measure. What this man feels for his spouse is total acceptance and
love, whether she succeeds or fails. His love celebrates her victories
and soothes her wounds.
He stands with her, no matter what life throws in their direction. He
may say that he loves her to death. But he doesn't. He loves her to
LIFE. For his love nourishes her life like nothing else can.
Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, Mother Teresa said: "What can
you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family." And love
your friends. Love them without measure.
Love them to LIFE.
Oh i'd be on leave tomorrow! Yey! Need to continue my christmas gift shopping...have not completed it yet...but tomorrow hopefully i'd be able to buy everything. Wish me luck!
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Created: Thursday, December 15, 2005
my weekend...and we won!!
We had our company Christmas Party last Friday and it was a blast! We won the departmental presentation!! Woohooo!! First time to happen in such a long time…well that was how what they say. But we broke the bad luck this year and took home the bacon!! Woohoo! A whopping THIRTY THOUSAND PESOS! We now have money for our department party! Woohooo! Finance rules!!
Since yesterday though, I’m not feeling very well….i have colds and am coughing a bit….maybe from all that shouting from last Friday hehehe….but we won! Woohooo!!
But today I was able to do some layouts again, between sneezing and coughing I was able to do two pages. Here it is:

Chocolate Covered Cherries Kit by Angie Briggs
Fonts: Times New Roman

Boarder by Monique van Bekkum aka jomi from Scrapartist
Papers by Nisha Morton from Scrapartist
Flower Boarder by Angie Briggs from Scrapartist
Font used: Scriptina
Sorry but these are all wedding pictures again...i'm not yet over them hehehe so you need to bear with me a little bit more :)
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Created: Sunday, December 11, 2005
notice anything new?
Notice anything new around here? Notice the new banner? Hehe I figured I want to make this blog a bit Christmassy so I whipped up the new banner. What can you say? Its crude I know…but at least there’s some color on this blog now!
Speaking of Christmas… its now just 18 days before christmas. Barely two and a half weeks to go! I have not started on my Christmas shopping yet!! Yay! I’ve been meaning to start on the shopping but have not really come to actually doing it…why? Money!! No money!! Hehehe! But promise I’ll start this Saturday! Cross fingers!
Ok gotta go for now…but let me be the first to greet you all MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
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Created: Wednesday, December 07, 2005
back to scrapping for me!
Gosh at last after about two weeks I am digiscrapping again!!
This past two weeks had been very busy for me, so many things to, house, and so many other things! But after all that I am now back to scrapping!
Here's my two new layouts.
Magical Freebie by Whitney Bushman
Snowflakes by Mrs. S
Tenderly Love kit by Doro
Fonts: Typewriter, Lucida Sans
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Created: Tuesday, December 06, 2005
two weeks in a row
Last Saturday we were able to watch the exorcism of Emily Rose. It was a chilling movie, not really horror…but it lingers in your mind. I liked the movie mainly because it is not the usual fairy tale movie where the good always triump vs. evil. In this movie, both Emily and Fr. Moore both was defeated by evil. The only difference is that Emily was dead, Fr. Moore is still alive to retell Emily’s story. I don’t want to make a synopsis of some kind of the movie here but I just want to share my main thoughts on it.

Firstly, my first impression of the movie was that it is rhetorical in fact melodramatic, first the family, being very poor, had no other way for which they can send Emily to college other than a scholarship grant from the University. Second, the priest was like every other priest, very close minded and idealistic, sacrificing his freedom just to be able to tell Emily’s story. Of course the lawyer representing the church must be a non-catholic, indifferent and non-secular lady who do not believe in God and whose only purpose in representing the priest is to get her boss to promote her to being a partner. Quite ordinary right? Even the lawyer of the “the people” must be a catholic, quite ironic as he is persecuting a man of God. But what I really like about the film is how it captures the audience and literally lets you experience all the emotions the characters are going through. I was having goose bumps all throughout the film, and even after!

Next film, Saturday before last, we finally saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. As like the past Harry Potter films, I was very excited cause I really like Harry Potter films! I find the past three instalments very enjoyable, I love the three leads so much! This instalment though is a different experience for me. Unlike the past three where the plot is very simple and the theme very light, this one is much more serious, the plot is a bit more complicated, definitely more intense. It centers on a competition that would give the winner honor and respect from all. Unlike the other three, in this movie Harry’s adventures were not shared with his friends, in this film Harry competed alone, without the help of his friends. Of course Harry triumphed as the winner in the end, but that is after three tests which tested not only his skill but also his strategizing, of course you already know if you have watched the movie that he won because of the help of one of the teacher witch (I’m so bad at names I forgot his name!), but that’s already beside the point.
As I said in the beginning I don’t want to make a synopsis of any of the two films, just sharing my two cents!
Till next movie!
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Created: Monday, December 05, 2005
I am officially two weeks delayed today…I was hoping it’s because I am pregnant so I checked yesterday…but sadly the result was negative. Now I am not sure why I am delayed. I am not stressed, and I don’t think I am sick or anything…hmmm but there’s no baby inside my tummy yet!
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Created: Thursday, December 01, 2005